Watertown JazzFest Music & Arts Festival

Directions to Watertown, TN

Directions to Watertown, TN

Looking to get to the Watertown, TN JazzFest? We've got some easy directions for you to follow!

You can click on a map below for detailed directions via Google Maps.

From Nashville, TN / WEST

1. Use I-40E and take Exit 239A to merge onto TN-26E / US-70E / Sparta Pike towards Watertown, TN.

2. Turn left onto West Main St.

3. Event Location & Parking will be marked.


From Cookeville, TN / EAST

1. Use I-40W and take Exit 239A to merge onto TN-26E / US-70E / Sparta Pike towards Watertown, TN.

2. Turn left onto West Main St.

3. Event Location & Parking will be marked.


From Murfreesboro, TN / SOUTH

1. Use I-24 OR I-65 to I-840E.

2. Take I-840E and take Exit 76A to merge onto I-40E.

3. Use I-40E and take Exit 239A to merge onto TN-26E / US-70E / Sparta Pike towards Watertown, TN.

4. Turn left onto West Main St.

5. Event Location & Parking will be marked.


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